It is no secret to anyone that, as the years go by, our metabolism changes, slowing down a bit. Depending on habits, this can lead to weight gain, something many people wonder how to avoid.

But these are not the only cases in which we ask ourselves how to maintain weight and not gain weight. People who have undergone rigorous diets, pregnant women, and people with reduced mobility, among others, are looking for options to lead a healthy diet, without excessive restrictions, that allows them to maintain their ideal weight. That is why, we tell you all the keys you need to achieve it and everything that a good maintenance diet must have.

How to maintain weight after a diet – keys

The first thing that is important to take into account so that you can maintain weight and not gain weight is to understand that our metabolism changes over the years, just as our lifestyle does. Teens are usually much more active than a 30-year-old, so the key to maintaining weight is to use all the tools at our disposal to keep our metabolism accelerated and make it our ally.

If you want to maintain your weight without sudden changes, whether or not you have been on a diet, it is important to take into account some habits:

  • Don’t skip meals: You should never cut out any food, especially breakfast. This slows your metabolism and forces your body to accumulate more fat and calories.
  • Light dinner: You should not have too heavy dinners frequently. From 7 days a week, try to eat light at least 5 or 6. Heavy and calorie dinners make us fat because our body does not have time to burn all those calories before sleeping.
  • Balance what you eat: to maintain your weight and not gain weight it is essential not only to have a balanced diet, but to learn the art of balancing what we eat. For example, if you’re going out for dinner one night, and you know you’re going to be overindulging, be sure to eat lightly at lunch.
  • Forget about eating out: the best thing you can do is take your food to work or eat at home. Leave the experience of going to a restaurant for special occasions.
  • Exercise: Practice half an hour of exercise a day and follow a more elaborate training plan if you want to tone your figure.

Eating healthy and not gaining weight

To maintain the lost weight it is not necessary to go hungry, we can eat well and eat healthy without gaining weight. To achieve this, try to eat a diet as natural and healthy as possible and you will see how gaining weight will be difficult. Some recommendations to help you achieve this are:

  • Always eat fresh fruits and vegetables, forget about frozen or ready-made presentations, full of preservatives and calories you don’t need.
  • Consume fries very occasionally and always prefer healthier and equally delicious preparations, such as baked, grilled or steamed.
  • No matter how good they are, sweets and pastries are highly harmful to our body. They do not provide any nutrient and can also lead to diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides. Consume them only eventually and never daily.
  • Moderate the intake of all the foods that you know are harmful to your health: soft drinks, sweets, sausages, among others.
  • Plan your weekly menu ahead of time. In this way, you will ensure that you have something healthy to eat every day and avoid temptations.
  • Prepare light snacks that satisfy your hunger, such as nuts, yogurt or smoothies.
  • Prefer foods that contain healthy fats (avocado, walnuts, olive oil), compared to those that only provide you with bad fats such as fast food.

Don’t feel guilty if you eat a heavy meal one day, but when you do, make up for it and eat lightly at other meals. Also don’t get in the habit of doing this often, eating healthy and healthy every day is important.

Maintenance diet

You have followed a strict diet and an intense exercise routine to lose weight and reach your ideal measurements, you have succeeded! Now, how do you keep that change over time so you don’t lose your results? The maintenance diets are made to help you keep a healthy diet without excessive restrictions typical diets.

In the weight loss diets there are no prohibited foods, you should only decrease the frequency with which we give ourselves those little tastes. Likewise, we can increase the portions of the food we eat, since the goal is not to continue losing weight. Consider these foods and tips for a good weight loss diet:

  • Increase the amount of carbohydrates in your weight loss diet. Incorporate rice, pasta, potatoes and other caloric foods.
  • Eat 5 meals a day and drink more than 2 liters of liquid a day.
  • If you fall into excesses, moderate what you eat the next few days.
  • Eat healthy at least 80% of your meals.

At breakfast, you can drink coffee, incorporate whole wheat toast, ham, tomato and extra virgin olive oil. You can also incorporate yogurt with fruits and nuts.

For the mid-morning snack, you can eat fruit or enjoy a smoothie or green juice.

At mealtime, prepare healthy cooked vegetables and protein (baked, steamed, and cooked). You can opt for sautéed vegetables with peppers, onions, zucchini, tomatoes or mushrooms. Combine them with fish meats, low-fat cuts of beef or chicken. Little by little, add legumes, rice or pasta.

For a snack, you can enjoy plain frozen yogurt or homemade ice cream.

During dinner, prepare light and quick dishes, such as green leafy salads, grilled chicken, tuna or fruit.


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