Fructose is a simple sugar found in fruits and some vegetables, as well as in processed foods and some sweeteners. When the body cannot process it, there is talk of fructose intolerance.

This condition requires a strict diet plan in which any source of this simple sugar is eliminated, so it is important to know how to identify what foods contain it and how they can be substituted to carry a balanced diet that meets nutritional requirements. Suitable. In case you suffer from this disorder and you are looking for a diet for people with fructose intolerance, you have come to the right place since in this article we will explain everything in detail. Of course, the best thing is that before putting it into practice consult your doctor if it is indeed compatible with your condition.

Difference between intolerance and fructose malabsorption

Although both conditions are often spoken of as being the same, the reality is that they are incorrect. The fructose intolerance is a genetic disease caused by deficiency of an enzyme called aldose fructose-1, 6-bisfostato. While fructose malabsorption has to do, as its name suggests, with the lack of absorption by intestinal cells.

In the first case, the treatment consists of eliminating the sources of fructose from the daily diet, while in the second, it is rather about restricting the intake of foods that contain it.

Food allowed

When fructose intolerance has been diagnosed, the first thing to do is identify which foods are allowed and which are not, based on their fructose content. From there you can create a balanced and healthy menu according to the health condition. Among the foods allowed are:

  • Dairy:plain yogurt, fructose-free milk powder, natural cream, fresh and cured cheeses.
  • Meat, fish, seafood and eggs:whatever is natural and fresh, without any type of processing?
  • Fats:butter, margarine, vegetable oils, butter.
  • Vegetables and greens:spinach, endive, broccoli, mushrooms, celery, chard, artichokes, old potatoes, lentils, endives, cauliflower, zucchini, cabbage, asparagus, squash, chickpeas, white, red and black beans, new potatoes, turnips and radishes .
  • Fruits and juices:avocado, lemon, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, lemon or lime juice.
  • Cereals:rice, corn, tapioca, barley, rye, wheat, oats and products made from them without fructose, sucrose or sorbitol added.
  • Sweeteners:any that does not contain fructose, sorbitol or sucrose. Also glucose, lactose, aspartame, saccharin, cyclamate and corn syrup.
  • Desserts:homemade cookies or ice cream prepared with glucose. Candies or desserts without fructose, sucrose or sorbitol.

Weekly diet

This is an example of a diet for people who are intolerant to fructose. However, being just one example, it is recommended that it be a specialist doctor who, after making the respective diagnosis, gives the pertinent indications to follow an appropriate regimen for this condition.


  • Breakfast: a glass of milk and 5 homemade cookies.
  • Midmorning: York ham, turkey and fresh cheese
  • Food: steamed cauliflower with potatoes, mushroom omelet and parsley.
  • Dinner: spinach cream.


  • Breakfast: a glass of milk and 2 crispbreads with butter.
  • Midmorning: 40 grams of bread with ham and cheese.
  • Food: pasta salad and grilled tenderloin with fresh cucumber
  • Dinner: spinach with potatoes. Grilled monkfish skewers with mushrooms


  • Breakfast: slice of toast with 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil, a slice of fresh cheese and a glass of milk.
  • Mid-morning: tea or infusion.
  • Food: cream of asparagus. Sea bream in salt with baked potato.
  • Dinner: boiled peas with potatoes and parsley tortillas.


  • Breakfast: a slice of toast with butter and a plain yogurt.
  • Mid-morning: a handful of sunflower seeds.
  • Food: green salad and baked beef.
  • Dinner: Sautéed cauliflower with ham and chicken with baked potato.


  • Breakfast: a glass of milk and two crispbread with homemade jam or without fructose.
  • Midmorning: a homemade cookie
  • Food: a serving of grilled vegetables with cucumber and celery hummus. Grilled turkey accompanied by chard.
  • Dinner: radish carpaccio with cucumber and potato omelet without onion.

The menus of any of the previous days are repeated on Saturday and Sunday.

Foods to avoid

The diet for people who are intolerant to fructose must be fully complied with, since the abuse of products or foods with this type of sugar can be very harmful. These are some of the foods that should not be consumed by a person with this disorder:

  • Dairy:milkshakes, fruit or flavored yogurts, condensed milk, and soy drinks.
  • Meat, fish and seafood:any industrially processed meat food, pâtés, sweet ham, and Frankfurt sausages.
  • Fats:peanut butter and commercial salad dressings.
  • Vegetables and greens:carrots, Brussels sprouts, onions, beets, chives, sweet corn, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, aubergines, green beans, and processed greens or vegetables.
  • Fruits and juices:any type of fruit or compote, except those that the doctor recommends according to the level of intolerance.
  • Cereals:wheat germ, whole wheat bread, cereals with added sugar or honey, muesli, soy flour, bran.
  • Sweeteners:fructose, sorbitol, sucrose, honey, corn syrup, table sugar, maple syrup, molasses, fruit sugar, levulose.
  • Desserts:sweets, cookies, industrial pastries, sweet pastries, pastries or commercial ice creams, including those that say on the label that they are “light”, “dietary” or suitable for people with diabetes.


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