The black tea seems to have been somewhat neglected in the society because of the emergence in the international market of green tea and red tea however, remains the most classic. Black tea and green tea come from the same plant, Camellia Sinensis, but the former has been fermented so its appearance is completely different. Just as green tea has many benefits and properties, so does black tea. In this article we explain what the properties of black tea are so you can start enjoying it immediately.

  1. Like good tea, it is stimulating, but this one is much more so than the rest because it has undergone an oxidation process, so it contains a higher concentration of theine. Therefore, be careful what time you take it because if you do it before going to sleep you may spend the night awake. However, if your case is the opposite and you need to stay awake or be very attentive and alert to what is happening around you or to study, black tea will be your best ally.
  2. Scientific studies have shown that black tea has properties to lower blood cholesterol, thus helping to prevent poor circulation. In these cases, it is better to prepare the tea without sugar or with natural stevia because in this way it can lose its properties in that regard.
  3. Another of the properties of black tea is related to hypotension, that is, it increases blood pressure due to its caffeine content. This can be helpful for people who normally have a low blood pressure and feel, for example, dizzy from it. Although this is your case, it is not convenient to abuse tea.
  4. Another of the properties of black tea is that it acts as an antioxidant. Like other varieties of this drink, black tea contains a good concentration of polyphenols such as theaflavins and tearrubigins, which help fight aging. What these natural elements do is protect our cells from oxidation, for example, helping to protect against ailments such as cataracts or the oxidation produced by tobacco smoke.
  5. Another pathology that can help us prevent black tea (although we should never think that by doing this we will avoid it) is diabetes, provided that, obviously, we take it without sugar. It is a drink rich in proanthocyanidins, a compound that protects the blood capillaries and especially those of the retina of the eye, in addition to reducing blood sugar.
  6. Black tea is also an excellent drink against free radicals:
  • The catechins and polyphenols contained in black tea act against free radicals, which prevent the formation of substances harmful to health.
  • Certain compounds in tea reduce the absorption of minerals such as iron and copper, which may promote the formation of free radicals.
  • In addition, certain elements of both black tea and green tea act on some enzymes that can initiate inflammatory processes.


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