Adding salt to food or meals is an action that many carry out repeatedly to achieve that the final dish has much more flavor. However, this simple gesture added to the amount of sodium that our body acquires from the composition of the food we eat, can have negative effects on the health of our body, and that is why...
Bougainvillea tea, or bougainvillea flower infusion, is a very effective natural remedy to combat coughs, expel mucus, relieve dry cough attacks and soothe pain in throat infections. If every time you have a cold the cough does not leave you, here we are going to tell you step by step how to make a bougainvillea tea for the cough totally natural and...
  Fresh fruits are a source of vitamins that your body needs every day. For example, mango, in addition to the delicious flavor it produces when you put it in your mouth, has many vitamins that can strengthen and benefit your body. In this article we want to show you what vitamins the mango has and how they benefit your body. So, if you are...
The red clay is very abundant in nature, and a very effective natural remedy for its varied applications for health and beauty. Its composition is very similar to that of green clay, but red clay has a higher content of iron oxides and hydroxides, which give it its peculiar reddish tone. It also contains aluminum silicate and magnesium silicate, both components very useful for...
The grape is a fruit that is extracted from a deciduous tree called a vine, which is currently cultivated in different regions of the Mediterranean. The grape, in addition to being a delicious fruit, is very beneficial for our health since it has different properties, among which it’s detoxifying action and its high alkalinity stand out, which is why it...
The watermelon is one of the most refreshing fruits that exist because its composition is basically water so that makes it an ideal choice especially for the summer months, which helps us to rehydrate without exceeding calorie. Apart from that, here we want to explain all the benefits of eating watermelon so that you take it knowing what it is giving you. Let's go there! ...
Cinnamon is much more than one of the basic spices of world gastronomy or an ingredient widely used in baking. Aphrodisiac properties have been attributed to its aroma, while its health effects are diverse, helping to promote weight loss, improve digestion, reduce anxiety and optimize the level of glucose or cholesterol. And undoubtedly one of the best ways to consume it is...
Chili is a food widely used in Latin American gastronomy to provide a spicy and delicious flavor to many dishes. But, in addition to being a food delight, chili is a perfect ingredient for health since it provides us with interesting vitamins and nutrients that improve our internal functions and make our body in perfect condition. To know more about this topic, we invite you...
The orange juice is one of the most popular and easy to consume juices, and oranges are fruits that are usually found in abundance and throughout the year, so there is no excuse for taking it frequently. Of course, if you want to take advantage of all the properties of this citrus then you should take the natural juice of squeezed oranges and never the bottled...
Many people suffer from heartburn, heartburn or heartburn and have a really bad time. Symptoms you may feel are burning sensation in the esophagus, stomach cramps, nausea and / or dizziness. If you suffer from heartburn, you will surely have felt identified and you will want to solve your problem. Here, we give you a series of home remedies to combat heartburn. Foods to avoid to avoid heartburn Before remedying heartburn, it...