If you are thinking about leading a healthy life but without following a strict diet, you should know that there are a number of foods that make you fatter than others. It is important that, before planning your new eating habits, you be clear about what you can include in your diet and what is better that you give up once and...
Papaya is a Latin American fruit that has been consumed and marketed for hundreds of years, in fact, by the end of the 14th century it could already be found in various parts of Asia and later in Europe. It is one of the most delicious tropical fruits that we can find and is very popular in Latin America, although it...
Onion is one of the vegetables with the most virtues and therapeutic capabilities. The phrase "with you bread and onion", the saying goes, referring to the humility of this healthy food. But onion is much more than a poor dish. Years ago, he had as many adherents as antibiotics would now. Its therapeutic virtues were not less deserved. The onion is very useful to eliminate localized fat,...
There are many plants that provide health benefits and are used in diets, medicinally, for cooking, etc. Among these plants, there is one that we use a lot for cooking and that contains multiple properties that we are often unaware of: parsley. Parsley is a plant that, consumed raw, is rich in minerals and vitamins. As long as it is taken in...
The reduction of carbohydrate consumption is a practice that many specialists recommend, since there are many people who obtain positive changes in their day-to-day life and significantly improve their physical well-being. However, developing this type of diet is complex, since carbohydrates are present in many products that we are used to eating. Therefore, we explain how to reduce carbohydrate consumption, so that you benefit from this...
We have all heard "you are what you eat". Although a nutritious and balanced diet is great for our bodies, there are some foods that are more beneficial and more nutritious than others. We all know the foods that we should eat, which are considered "healthy" but, what to say about foods that are good for only a very important part?...
Have you ever thought about how healthy or not what you eat can become? In this article we will take a quick look at those processed foods that are most harmful to our health, obviously, as long as they are abused. Generally processed foods are very rich and tempting, especially for people who have a lifestyle, as they have the...
Iron is one of the essential minerals for the proper functioning of our body. Therefore, a deficit of the same could have serious consequences for health. Furthermore, iron is one of the most well-researched and best-known nutrients, as well as one of the most abundant trace elements in humans. Its deficiency affects the formation of red blood cells and leads to one of the most...
Eating a good diet is essential to stay healthy, but sometimes our desire to lose those extra kilos or to try to eat a little better, can lead us down the wrong path in terms of nutrition. And it is that many of the ingredients or products that are sold or that we consider as healthy, really provide us with an unnecessary dose of sugar,...
The anemia is one of the most common ailments of our time and occurs when there is a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood due to various factors, from low iron intake or deficiency in its absorption to more important reasons such as bleeding or diseases.. The most common is the one that occurs due to iron deficiency and that can be treated through food,...