This fruit scientifically called Fragaria vescaF.viridis or F. moschata, has a triangular shape that is accompanied by its red color that forms small dots. Without a doubt it is very popular due to its intense smell and a flavor that is highly appreciated by humans. Strawberry is often defined as a fruit, it really consists of small surrounding dots that are often mistakenly called seeds. It is a food that is very beneficial for health thanks to its numerous properties; if you want to know more, we invite you to read this article to tell you what are the properties of strawberries for health, a perfect fruit for health.

Strawberry cultivation

Strawberry as a fruit we can say that it has the characteristic of having an appreciated perfume and a flavor of great sweetness. It belongs to the Rosaceae family, being a perennial plant, where about 90% of the roots are in the first 15 cm of the soil. The edible part is characterized by having its surface covered by a multitude of dots of black and yellow colors.

Although the strawberry is grown from flat surface to heights of more than 1,000 meters, it needs specific environmental conditions. We can say that the best areas where it can be cultivated are those that have a temperate climate with short summers that are characterized by having hot periods and winters with cold temperatures. The insulations in the summer cause the leaves to fall prematurely and that deformed, dark, small fruits with little consistency frequently appear.

At the time of flowering, the strawberry plant needs temperatures that are temperate and uniform. The thermal oscillations between daytime and nighttime, as well as rainfall, are an obstacle to its growth. This is the reason why the strawberry likes more of loose soils, neutral or subacid pH, which are fresh, but with good drainage and a depth greater than 50 cm and rich in organic substances. We must know that the strawberry does not appreciate very heavy, calcareous or saline soils, the fruits being quite sensitive to gray mold.

The resistance of strawberries to disease is one of the most important concerns in production. Some of the insects that are most dangerous for strawberries are aphids that, when producing honeydew, cause leaves and fruits to curl.

Strawberry properties for health

Strawberry has important diuretic and antirheumatic properties: taking 3 or 4 cups a day of an infusion of the roots and leaves will help us fight uric acid, arthritis or gout. We can use it as a medicinal plant and it has the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory: Taking an infusion of its leaves has great benefits for all inflammations that arise in the intestine. If you cook the roots, you can also help reduce arthritic inflammations.
  • Anticolesterol: Having a good percentage of ascorbic acid, lecithin and pectin in its fruits is ideal for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Laxative: Can be used as a natural laxative.
  • Anti- wrinkleremedy: Crushed leaves that are applied to the skin are a great remedy to fight wrinkles.
  • Mineralizers: It is very rich in vitamin C, with highly anti-anemic and restorative properties for our body. They are very suitable for growth.
  • Astringent: If you drink three or four cups a day cooking its leaves, you will be able to fight effectively against diarrhea, also being able to heal mouth sores.

Strawberry health benefits

Among the highlights of these fruits we can comment abundance in higher percentage than in other citrus of vitamin C. It is often said that an adult person needs about 60 milligrams a day of vitamin C and 100 grams of strawberries or strawberries are enough to satisfy what our body needs.

In addition, the strawberry has an outstanding antioxidant action, the same as the anthocyanins or vitamin E that are also present. The main effect of antioxidants is none other than to block the harmful effects of free radicals. Our respiration with the presence of oxygen is essential for our cells to live, but as a result of this, molecules called free radicals are produced that usually cause negative health effects throughout our lives due to the ability to alter our DNA, proteins and lipids. In our body we have cells that are continuously renewed, such as those of the skin or the intestine, but there are others that are not, such as liver cells.

The passage of time means that free radicals can produce genetic alterations, which can favor the development of diseases such as cancer or decrease organic functions, something characteristic in the aging process. There are situations that increase the production of free radicals, such as intense physical exercise, pollution in the environment, tobacco, infections, stress or diets rich in fats, as well as taking too much sun.

Opinions on the relationship between antioxidants and cardiovascular diseases are well supported. Today we know that the key is the modification of the so-called “bad cholesterol” (LDL-c), which has an important role, both in the beginning and in the development of atherosclerosis.

The antioxidants have the ability to block free radicals that change the so – called bad cholesterol, helping is reduced cardiovascular risk and stroke. Low levels of antioxidants will be a risk factor for certain types of cancer and diseases with degenerative effects.

How to drink strawberries

The main reason is for its use in gastronomy. Strawberry is a forest fruit that is especially recommended in diet regimes, due to its low concentration of carbohydrates.

They can be consumed alone or mixed with sugar, sugar and wine, sugar and cream, ice cream, jams, orange juice and its presence is also highly appreciated in sweets, cakes or pastry in general, where its bright colors give without a doubt, a colorful touch and serve as an outstanding food garnish. You can also make an alcoholic drink called strawberry liqueur.

Its tender leaves can be taken, although it is not very frequent as a vegetable. The leaves should be collected when the plant has flowered and the roots when they are about to dry. The fruits, well ripened, must have an intense pink color. We must keep them in the shade and in places that are well protected from the heat and humidity of the environment.

The vitamins and minerals of strawberries

They are essential for our body and in the particular case of vitamin C they also have the ability to promote the absorption of iron in our food, improving our ability to resist infections, in addition to preventing iron deficiency anemia. There are vital situations in which a greater amount of vitamin C is needed, such as:

  • Lactation
  • Smoking
  • Use of certain medications
  • Stress
  • Lowering of defenses
  • Intense sport
  • Cancer
  • AIDS
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases

In this type of case, the consumption of both strawberries and strawberries is highly recommended, in addition to many other fruits that are rich in vitamin C. Folic acid, an essential vitamin when processing, is abundant in strawberries. Cell division and multiplication that occur in the first months of gestation, the consultation is quite interesting to prevent spina bifida in pregnant women, which is an alteration in the normal development of the fetal nervous system.

Among the minerals, it should be noted that strawberries have a high amount of potassium and low sodium, which is highly recommended for all people who have hypertension in the arteries or diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Its consumption must be taken into account by all people who have kidney failure and need to take special diets in this mineral.

Those who take diuretics that eliminate potassium and people suffering from bulimia should take these fruits, the reason is that self-induced vomiting results in large losses in this mineral.

Strawberry, an ideal fruit for weight loss

The composition of strawberries makes them have an outstanding diuretic effect that is undoubtedly beneficial in the case of hyperuricemia or gout, as well as in kidney stones, high blood pressure or in various diseases associated with fluid retention. In the case of kidney stones due to oxalate stones, they are not recommended due to their oxalic acid content.

Strawberries and strawberries are a great source of fiber, a nutrient that has an outstanding protective effect on our body, the reason is the mechanism of sequestration of substances that are potentially harmful. Fiber performs a function that we could say of “prey”, by trapping various compounds such as bile acids or cholesterol that are excreted together with feces, this benefits people who have hypercholesterolemia or gallstones.

We can add that intestinal transit is accelerated by reducing the time these substances that are harmful to our health are in contact with intestinal tissue, which helps prevent or improve constipation and minimizes the risk of colon cancer. The high salicylate content of strawberries and strawberries is partly responsible for the skin reactions that can cause (urticaria) and that mainly happens to all people suffering from allergy to acetylsalicylic acid.


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