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How to eat to cure anemia

The anemia is one of the most common ailments of our time and occurs when there is a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood due to various factors, from low iron intake or deficiency...

How much salt should we consume per day?

Adding salt to food or meals is an action that many carry out repeatedly to achieve that the final dish has much more flavor. However, this simple gesture added to the amount...

How to prepare bougainvillea tea for cough

Bougainvillea tea, or bougainvillea flower infusion, is a very effective natural remedy to combat coughs, expel mucus, relieve dry cough attacks and soothe pain in throat infections. If every time you have...

What vitamins does mango have?

  Fresh fruits are a source of vitamins that your body needs every day. For example, mango, in addition to the delicious flavor it produces when you put it in your mouth, has...

What are the properties of red clay?

The red clay is very abundant in nature, and a very effective natural remedy for its varied applications for health and beauty. Its composition is very similar to that of green clay, but red clay...

Why does my mouth itch when I eat grapes?

The grape is a fruit that is extracted from a deciduous tree called a vine, which is currently cultivated in different regions of the Mediterranean. The grape, in addition to being a...

Benefits of eating watermelon

The watermelon is one of the most refreshing fruits that exist because its composition is basically water so that makes it an ideal choice especially for the summer months, which helps us to...

Properties of chili for health

Chili is a food widely used in Latin American gastronomy to provide a spicy and delicious flavor to many dishes. But, in addition to being a food delight, chili is a perfect ingredient for health since...

Benefits of orange juice

The orange juice is one of the most popular and easy to consume juices, and oranges are fruits that are usually found in abundance and throughout the year, so there is no excuse for taking...

Home remedies for heartburn

Many people suffer from heartburn, heartburn or heartburn and have a really bad time. Symptoms you may feel are burning sensation in the esophagus, stomach cramps, nausea and / or dizziness. If you suffer from heartburn, you will surely have...

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