We always hear that we have to bet on a balanced and low-fat diet in order to enjoy a healthy life, but why? We must emphasize that there are different types of fat and that some of them must be part of our diet because they are what are called “good fats”, that is, an optimal type of food for the proper functioning of the body, always taken in due measure. But, nevertheless, there are other fats that should be limited as much as possible, such as trans and saturated fats, because they can negatively affect our body. In this article we are going to discover the foods rich in saturated fats so that you know what they are and thus be able to bet on a healthy and beneficial diet for your body.
The importance of fats in food
First of all it is important that we understand that fat is essential for our body , in fact, if we consult the food pyramid we will see that these foods are part of our daily diet although, yes, their consumption is limited in quantities. The reason is that fats provide us with a large amount of “extra” energy that the body will use as an energy source when it needs it, that is, it is like the “reserve” fuel that stays in our body to continue working for longer. Weather.
We must remember that, daily, our body consumes about 2,000 or 2,500 calories (the exact amount depends on age, sex, type of life, etc.
Hence lies the importance of counting calories when you want to lose weight since it is a mathematical formula: if you consume around 2,000 calories each day, you can bet on a low calorie diet (that is, it contributes less calories than you consume) and, thus, you will cause the body to have to go to your fat reserves converting it into energy and, therefore, making it disappear from your body.
In addition to this, fat from food is also healthy to improve the appearance of the skin and our hair, providing them with nutrients and fatty acids that allow for greater shine, hydration and softness.
Types of fat
But we must know that NOT all fats provided by food are beneficial, in fact, those that these properties provide us with are what we call “good” fats but, in reality, they are unsaturated and come from foods such as avocado, olive oil, etc. Next we are going to detail the 3 types of fat that exist so that you know the ones that you should take daily and the ones that are better to stop consuming.
Unsaturated or “good” fats
These are what our body needs to function properly. If they are taken in a limited way, they can help us lower bad cholesterol, they provide essential fatty acids for the growth stage and formation of muscles, they are that “extra” supply of energy that we need to be able to live healthily, etc.
Saturated or “bad” fats
They can raise our bad cholesterol in the blood and, therefore, increase the risks of having a heart attack or cerebrovascular disease, in addition to other problems such as hypertension, obesity, fatty liver, etc. These fats come, above all, from foods of animal origin and their derivatives, but they can also be found in vegetable oils, in processed foods, etc.
Trans fat
Another of the fats that exist today is transgenic, that is, a type of fat that is formed by processing vegetable oils and converting them into solid fats; this process is known as “hydrogenation”. They are harmful to the body because they raise the good cholesterol in the blood but, in addition, they can also lower HDL cholesterol, that is, the good cholesterol.
Sweet and sugary
Sugary foods, such as industrial pastries, pastries, bakery products, etc., are rich in saturated fat. But it does not need to be industrially produced food, but the cakes that you can make at home are also rich in this type of fat since the ingredients with which they are usually made contain a large amount of it (sugar, flour, yeast, etc.) P
Or therefore, within foods rich in saturated fats we highlight products such as:
- Cookies
- Croissant and other bakery products (Neapolitans, cream or chocolate canes, among others)
- Pastry
- Buns of any kind
- Cupcakes
- Chocolate (black too!)
In addition, we must be careful with these products because, many of them also contain trans fats and, therefore, they become doubly harmful foods for our health.
Salty snacks
But not only are sweets rich in these fats, but also the salty products that we find in supermarkets are also an important source of these and, therefore, you should limit them as much as possible. In addition we must be very careful because, currently, there is a misconception when believing that some snacks that are presented to us are “healthy” when, in fact, they are full of saturated fats.
Here we are going to list these foods with saturated fats so that you know how to recognize them:
- Potato chips and derivatives
- Microwave Popcorn
- Pipe sticks, nuts, etc.
- Pretzels
- Dried fruits in bags (mixtures, salty pipes, chemicals, etc.)
Many of these products are also rich in hydrogenated fats, that is, trans fats and are therefore twice as harmful. You should avoid eating these products as they are not very nutritious and bad for your health.
Saturated oils
Among the good fats we highlight olive oil but there are some hydrogenated oils that are rich in saturated and transgenic fats and, therefore, we must avoid consuming. In addition, with this issue we must take greater caution because they are ingredients that are often used to make other products and, therefore, we should read the nutritional label to ensure what they are made of.
The saturated oils are:
- Coconut oil
- Palm oil
Keep in mind that these products contain 93% saturated fat, that is, for every 100 grams we would be taking 470% of what we basically need.
Of animal origin and derivatives
Products that come from animals (whether direct or indirect) can also contain a high portion of saturated fat and therefore we should limit their intake as much as possible. Failing that, we can substitute these pieces for other low-fat ones, such as lean meats, skim dairy products and egg whites.
Below we are going to give you a list of foods rich in saturated fats of animal origin so that you can better control their consumption:
- Lard
- Veal
- Pork Meat
- Liver
- Mutton
- Processed meats: sausages, hamburgers, meatballs, sausages, etc.
- Yoghurt
- Cheeses
- Condensed milk
- Butter
- Margarine
- Ice creams
- Egg yolk
- Junk food: hamburgers, pizzas, hot dogs, etc.