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Why I feel itchy on my tongue when eating kiwi – here is the...

“Why when I eat a kiwi does my mouth itch?” This is something that really happens to many people and, although some people only feel a slight tingling and some itching,...

Is it bad to eat a lot of fruit?

Fruit is one of the healthiest foods that we can eat, standing out as an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and nutrients, in addition to providing the body with sugar that helps...

What are the benefits of beets?

The beet is a root usually eaten in salads, with a very particular flavor and a refreshing power much appreciated especially in the summer months. You should know that this vegetable has many benefits...

What are the uses of rosemary?

Rosemary is known by the botanical name of Rosmarinus officinalis and it is a highly aromatic shrub that is native to the Mediterranean area, where it grows wild and can be found...

Carrot properties for health

The carrot is an edible root that originally, dating back to 3,000 BC, was not orange but purple and with a yellowish color inside. Due to the great variety of carrots that existed...

Benefits of eating coconut

The coconut is a fruit still quite unknown to some people, but you should know that it can take advantage of all the fruit both inside and outside the skin. Coconut is a very rich...

How long does alcohol last in blood and urine?

Almost all of us know the effects of drinking on our body and the dire consequences of alcohol if consumed in excess. These consequences are not only seen in the person who consumes it,...

Benefits of eating nuts

Although for years many people rejected them for their fat content, the fats of walnuts are healthy so you should have no problem enjoying them. Like all nuts, walnuts have a significant content of...

What happens when we stop eating sugar?

Surely you have heard hundreds of times that sugar is harmful to your health , however it is much easier to ignore these warnings than to stop consuming it, we are finally talking...

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