The sundew or also known as the dew plant or gout grass is a small plant that was first born in some areas of Europe. The sunflower plant is characterized by being insectivorous since it feeds on some insects such as flies and mosquitoes and traps these prey through its leaves that are covered with hairs that have secretions that are rich in nutrients and properties.

Nutritional composition and properties of the sunflower plant

The Drosera rotundifola or commonly known as the sundew plant had its origin in some European areas such as the United Kingdom but, currently, it is also cultivated in North America and some regions of North Asia. It is characterized by being a perennial plant of small size with a very fine stem and round leaves covered with a kind of hairs are a “trap” to attract insects from which the sunflower plant feeds and, in addition, they secrete a substance with some nutrients and active ingredients.

The sunflower plant is used as a medicinal remedy for some diseases, especially respiratory diseases, for its following nutritional composition and properties:

  • Mannose, xylose and mucilage: itis a type of soluble fiber that contains digestive and anti-inflammatory properties, among others.
  • Quinones: itis an active principle of the sunflower plant similar to vitamins.
  • Flavonoids: theyare natural pigments that the sundew has and that contain excellent antioxidant properties.
  • Enzymes: theyare proteins that are found in the secretions of the sunflower plant.
  • Tannins: theyare polyphenolic compounds with great astringent properties.
  • Organic acids:among them, the sunflower plant contains ellagic, citric, benzoic and butyric acid.
  • Vitamin C:is a powerful antioxidant that contains antibacterial and antihistamine properties.

Sundew is a natural antibiotic

One of the benefits of the sunflower plant is that it can be used as a natural antibiotic thanks to its content of naphthoquinones that acts against viruses such as influenza, and its richness in vitamin C, which contains excellent antibacterial and antihistamine properties.

In addition, the sunflower plant also contains plumbagin, a compound with great antibiotic principles that also fights against various viruses and bacteria such as colds, enteritis and other respiratory infections.

To use this medicinal plant as an antibiotic, you just have to prepare an infusion of sunflower plant that contains 2 grams of it and a cup of boiled water and drink it at least 3 times a day.

Natural remedy for respiratory problems

Another benefit of the sunflower plant is that it is a good remedy for various diseases and respiratory problems thanks to its nutritional composition. The sunflower plant can be used to treat the following respiratory infections:

  • Cough:the sunflower plant is a good remedy against this condition due to its high content of mucilages, which have anti-inflammatory properties that soften throat irritation and relieve cough.
  • Whooping cough:its plumbalgine content, made up of great antibiotic properties, makes it a good natural remedy for this type of infection.
  • Asthma:it can be used for the symptoms of this disease, especially for wheezing in the chest, since the sunflower plant contains both anti-inflammatory and antitussive properties that will alleviate asthma.
  • Respiratory allergy:the naphthoquinones contained in the sunflower plant are very suitable for the treatment of bronchospasms thanks to their antihistamine properties.

The sunflower plant is a natural enema

We also include in the list of benefits of the sunflower plant, its use as a natural enema to treat constipation or another digestive condition. The sunflower plant is rich in both mucilages that contain digestive properties and flavonoids, an antioxidant compound with excellent diuretic properties. Both properties are ideal for the sunflower plant to be applied as a totally natural enema.

For its application, you just have to infuse the sunflower plant as we have explained before and consume it three times a day for a week at most.

Sundew for skin conditions

Finally, the sunflower plant has also been used as an external treatment for some conditions that can occur on our skin. The juice that is extracted from the secretions produced by the leaves of the sundew are very rich in enzymes and naphthoquinones, which have ideal flushing properties to reduce the ailments that occur in the case of warts, corns and bunions .

Furthermore, in the event that there are infections caused by bacteria or fungi, the sunflower plant will also act against them thanks to its antibacterial and astringent properties due to its high content of mucilage, vitamin C and plumbalgine.

Contraindications of the sunflower plant

In addition to having all these benefits, this plant also has the following contraindications:

  • If you are pregnant, you should not use the sunflower plant as a natural remedy since its compound can be harmful to the fetus.
  • The sunflower plant is also not recommended in cases of immune diseases.
  • If you have especially sensitive skin, it is also not recommended to use the sunflower plant since the secretions produced by its leaves can be irritating to this type of skin.
  • You should never exceed the recommended daily dose, in the case of infusion, you should not take it more than 3 times a day.



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