If lately you have committed some excesses in the diet or you have not been able to have a balanced and healthy diet, you may be interested in starting a purifying diet to regain the balance of your body and, above all, eliminate all those substances that are not positive for your health. This is precisely what cleansing diets are based on: promoting the detoxification of the body through a diet focused on the consumption of foods that contribute to disposing of everything the body does not need to, on the one hand, improve the functions of vital organs such as the kidneys and liver and, on the other, to accelerate weight loss.

Pay attention to the following article and discover in detail what to eat in a cleansing diet.

One. First of all, you should know that the purifying diet or detox is mainly designed to eliminate from the body, through food, all the toxins that accumulate and that end up hindering the proper functioning of the liver, kidneys and intestines. By promoting the expulsion of everything that the body does not need, it is also possible to lose weight in a healthy way.

There are many types of cleansing diets, but they all consist of following a diet rich in natural vegetables, such as vegetables and fruits, and, on the contrary, leaving aside fats, animal proteins and all ingredients that contain chemicals, preservatives and colorants. Of course, you must take into account that it is not recommended to carry out a cleansing diet for a duration greater than one week and that you should do between 4 and 6 meals a day.

2. To answer the question of what to eat in a cleansing diet, we must focus on those foods considered cleansers, which favor the elimination of toxins, fats and avoid conditions such as abdominal bloating or fluid retention. Among them, vegetables stand out, which are perfect for losing weight in a healthy way and completely detoxifying the body. Your best allies are:

  • The artichoke: it is diuretic, so it favors the elimination of liquids, and allows to detoxify the liver.
  • Celery: acts as an alkalinizer, fighting the accumulation of uric acid and toxins.
  • Green asparagus: they are very rich in potassium, so they are excellent depurative and also improve digestion.
  • Onion: favors the proper functioning of the liver, is a diuretic and acts as a blood purifier.
  • Pumpkin: it is a very diuretic and laxative food at the same time.
  • Cabbages: their flavonoids help cleanse the body, allowing a greater and faster elimination of toxins.

You can consume all raw, boiled, steamed foods and even include them in preparations such as juices, broths or infusions.

3. In addition to vegetables, the other great food group that should not be missing in a cleansing diet is that of fruits. Now, they should be those that have very few calories and that are rich in fiber. The most purifying fruits that you can find are the following:

  • Pineapple
  • The grape
  • Strawberry
  • The lemon
  • Watermelon
  • The Kiwi

4. Another of the great protagonists of purification diets are infusions made with medicinal plants that have powerful diuretic, detoxifying and antioxidant properties. Thus, it will be very effective if after meals, you take a cup of infusions such as horsetail, elder leaves, dandelions, thyme or green tea.

5. And, without a doubt, in a cleansing diet you cannot miss the so-called detox juices, a great alternative to combine the vegetables and fruits that we mentioned above. They are prepared quickly and are ideal to take on an empty stomach to take full advantage of all the energy they provide, as well as their satiating effect, which is essential to achieve the goal of losing weight and reducing measures.

6. In addition to all these, cereals also have a place in a purifying diet but always in their integral version. Well, in this way, these foods favor the regulation of intestinal transit and contribute to the purification of the body.


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