The lemon tea has many benefits for the body, since both ingredients, tea and lemon, have beneficial health properties. From here, we can enjoy not only a stimulating drink, but a drink that will improve our quality of life in many ways. Keep reading this article to know what all the benefits of lemon tea are, you can take advantage of them whenever you want.

  1. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, lemon tea controls free radicals and prevents aging by purifying toxins from the blood. For this reason, it is a powerful preventive agent for certain diseases, such as cancer, and it is also very beneficial for the skin, favoring its youth and beauty.
  2. The high iron content of lemon tea helps to strengthen the immune system, so it reduces the symptoms caused by the flu or cold. If when you feel bad about these ailments, you drink one or two cups a day of this drink, you will see that you start to feel much better.
  3. The lemon tea, taken after meals, helps digestion by facilitating intestinal tract and aiding the absorption of the most beneficial substances for our body, while helping to eliminate toxins and those unwanted substances. As it has an alkalinizing agent, it reduces acidity and indigestion symptoms. It also prevents constipation, so drinking lemon tea after each meal will improve your stomach problems.
  4. With a lemon tea a day, we will strengthen our respiratory system thanks to the amount of vitamin C contained in the lemon, which gives it the anti-inflammatory property that helps fight episodes of asthma and other respiratory conditions. In addition to this, it releases phlegm and mucus from the lungs, making it easier for our respiratory organ to work better.
  5. The vitamin C of the lemon also helps to eliminate bacteria and impurities from the skin , that is why lemon tea is highly recommended as a topical use, for example to combat acne. Especially, it helps to disinfect superficial wounds due to its antiseptic characteristics.
  6. Its energetic functions are also known for theine, the substance of tea, so that the mood will improve. In this way, in situations of stress or anxiety, a cup of lemon tea daily will be one of the most recommended natural solutions. It will decrease our headache and we will feel stronger.
  7. Another of the most outstanding properties of lemon tea are diuretics , so it helps to eliminate waste, water and electrolytes that are left in our body, cleaning it from external agents.
  8. The flavonoids in lemon tea have been shown to help reduce lipids, prevent blood clotting and reduce inflammation, thus helping to improve the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, always supervised and treated by a professional first.
  9. Added to all these positive aspects, lemon tea is also beneficial for the liver because it helps to increase the production of enzymes, facilitating the functions of this important organ in humans.
  10. A good remedy to combat gingivitis is to rinse your mouth with this infusion after each brushing, in addition to whitening your teeth and fighting bad breath due to its cleaning power on the mouth walls. It is the perfect natural complement for a good oral cleaning, without having to resort to chemical rinses.
  11. Finally, we tell you how to prepare lemon tea quickly and easily so that you benefit from all the described aspects of this energy and refreshing drink: you have to put a small tablespoon of tea for each cup, then pour boiling water and let it sit. Once cooled, strain the tea and add the juice of a natural lemon to taste. Now sweeten it with sugar or honey and you are ready to drink. You can take it cold or hot, according to your tastes.



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