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Foods with hydrogenated fats – avoid them at all costs

In order for our diet to be completely healthy and balanced, we must include the consumption of fatty foods in our daily meals. But for this, we have to know how to...

How to cure periodontitis with home remedies

The periodontists is an oral disease involving inflammation and infection of periodontal tissues (bones and ligaments which hold the tooth). It can be chronic or aggressive and, if not treated properly, can lead...

Foods rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for our body, loaded with antioxidants that help us prevent the formation of free radicals and prevent premature aging. It is essential for the healing of the skin and the...

Properties of strawberries for health

This fruit scientifically called Fragaria vesca, F.viridis or F. moschata, has a triangular shape that is accompanied by its red color that forms small dots. Without a doubt it is very popular due to its intense...

Pitaya: what is it for?

The fruit of pitaya, pitahaya or dragon fruit is one of the few that can vary in colors and flavors without the need for grafts or genetic modifications. This is due to the variety...

How to maintain weight and not gain weight

It is no secret to anyone that, as the years go by, our metabolism changes, slowing down a bit. Depending on habits, this can lead to weight gain, something many people wonder how...

Diet for people with fructose intolerance

Fructose is a simple sugar found in fruits and some vegetables, as well as in processed foods and some sweeteners. When the body cannot process it, there is talk of fructose...

Lemon tea benefits

The lemon tea has many benefits for the body, since both ingredients, tea and lemon, have beneficial health properties. From here, we can enjoy not only a stimulating drink, but a drink that will...

Foods rich in saturated fat

We always hear that we have to bet on a balanced and low-fat diet in order to enjoy a healthy life, but why? We must emphasize that there are different types of fat and...

What is the best time to eat salads?

The salads are a rich, nutritious and easy dish to prepare both for summer and winter. There are many ways to prepare them so they are ideal for all tastes, being perfect in weight loss diets,...

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